Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am always amazed at what I take for granted. I have gone through life these last two years just surviving. I have to admit that I may have become just a tiny bit bitter about it. It made me stronger I suppose, but the question I always asked was why. I'm a pretty strong gal I think. So here again, why? I brush the open ended question under the rug most of the time. Well just about all the time. I suppose my reasoning goes back to-- why dwell on it? So I just assume things work out for a reason and go on. Well God, I got this one loud and clear! Eight days ago I sat in this same chair and crossed my legs the same way I always do when I get online. The only difference this blessed day was to bestow upon me was the thundering crack that filled the air when I went to uncross them. My ankle snapped back into position I guess...maybe it was back, or maybe out...ugh!!!!! I guess that detail doesn't have much bearing on my point here. This happened about 48 hours after our insurance ceased. What are the odds, well pretty good I'd say. I busted my nose Mothers day, etc.... I told the family we needed to hurry up and get insured so I would stop getting hurt, lol! They agreed. Getting back to the point here, I have been so surprised at every turn. Tucker offered to piggy back me so I didn't have to use crutches. He then said he wanted to miss his game so I would feel better. I assume this meant go to the doctor. Alan has gone to amazing lengths to help me at almost every beck and call. My mother-in-law has even had a big hand in helping. That will teach me to feel sorry for myself and get irritated when I assume no one cares..... kinda makes me sigh now. I think some of my bitterness is starting to turn into guilt.... In a very weird way that feels good.......

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pinned Ya Again

So I know its been awhile, but I just have to feel it I guess. This is the infamous River. She is towering over Alan (while sitting on his lap). It looks a lot like the Lion King scene with Nala and Simba. She is Nala like I suppose, in that she's bashful and bold all at the same wonderful time. My sister nearly spit her coke when I sent her this pic. She has come to love River like the rest of us have, after a few cautious days with us around Easter. It was so wonderful to have her down here! She came down of her own volition, and I took complete advantage. Its times like those when I realize that the most important thing is the ones we care about. Even though she is blood, I also realize that not all of my family has to be. I consider my closest friends family as well. If you don't know who you are, I guess you're not on that list........HA just kidding!!!!!!!!! Seriously I love you all and wouldn't trade one of you.

Now maybe this will help me re-brake the ice to my blogging world.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Little Mirror

I hope to one day show these me moires to my son. I haven't been the best at documenting the fun stuff he does, so no time like the present right? Well, yesterday Melissa, Tucker and I went to dinner with Alan at Carinos. We were going to head to the movies afterward, but had to take a detour. You see, Alan had decided that for the first time ever...he wanted to put lights on the house. We were going to find some plastic hangers to put them up with, when Alan suggested a store that the rest of us believed to be closed. Not a big deal right? Right. Alan decided to put money on it... sucker! (Never question if a girl is right on the hours of Hobby Lobby!) We were on the way to prove our point... Tucker was obviously feeling a little irritated as well. True to his mothers form, he decided to play a little trick on his father. My son was asking his dad to pay up... and Alan was obviously holding out until there was indisputable proof that he owed us money. Tucker, serious as anything, tells Alan in a tender voice, "Oh hold still dad. There is something on your face. Let me get it..." He leaned over and gingerly grabbed one of Alan's facial whiskers, pinched it securely between his fingers and yanked! Alan's face twisted into a Picasso, his lungs bellowed, and eyes winced in pain, and we all laughed. How funny it was that my sweet son had the notion to play such a joke on Alan. I have just never been so surprised at him...and in a eerie way, proud! He is my kid! It was EXACTLY the same thing I would've done to ease the tension.... I love that kid! It reminded me of when your grandpa used to ask what was on your shirt...and as soon as you looked down he would slide his finger upward and poke u in the nose! Yeah well, I've never done that to him...but maybe someone had somewhere and he tucked it safely away for future usage.. In any case... I just wanted to remember this moment.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Hello all... I have decided that I needed to get on the wagon with this "blog thing" before all my friends wagons' leave me in the dust! So cut me some slack if I seem erratic (although you guys may have forgiven me for that character trait long I may not always have something funny or otherwise captivating to say, but I am going to attempt to have some paper trail for my child to read years from now. --I sure am glad I can edit this later...that may turn out to be a problem...hehe.

So this week has been a difficult one. I am sure it's just me, however it is what it is, ya know. Whether it's source is me or everyone else, the outcome hasn't changed any. It seems like for the last 4 days... I've endured one twist, then another turn, a couple of back flips, and then a below the belt hit. YIKES! I decided that instead of standing in the rain, I would push on ahead and get out from under this dark cloud that seemed to be punishing me for some unknown and unfathomable reason. Did I hit my neighbors cat? Did I take some small child's candy cane? Who knows...but I was done with it. I invited Melissa over to help Tucker and I decorate the tree. I vented some, and after a trip to Wally World for more ornament hangers, I didn't feel quite as blue... We finished the tree (completely finished the tree might I add), and I still wasn't quite back to me. I looked up at the tree and told Melissa that it just wasn't up to snuff. I was sure that after a nights sleep it would grown on me.... but as for today, I wasn't finished being grumpy.... and therefore I was just complacent about "it". I sat down by tree to finish whatever story I had started to tell Melissa, when her entire being morhped. She changed from this understanding and loving friend, to a frantic person about to watch her friend implode from the next ill fated account about to take place. Her eyes flew open wide, arms raised to point at the Santa that I had just place on the Christmas tree (yes,...the completely finished Christmas tree). Just as a movie slows down to show you the apex of the scene..... time slowed for me. As the seconds ticked , I turned and instinctively reached up to catch the finalized version of my tree as it collapsed on my not-so-surprised self. Of course this would happen. Karma at its best! I had just offended the tree with my self pitying comments about its lack luster appearance. I half expected the damn thing to attack me... So I closed my eyes to avoid all of the debris from actually making direct contact with my eyes, and endured the seemingly endless barrage of glass balls, and family heirlooms that were then jumping from their safe homes on the tree. Apparently they hadn't liked where I had placed them either. I turned my head after the last bobble fell, and finished the sentence I had started what seemed like 5 minutes ago....didn't miss a beat. Yep, that was Karma! Melissa wasn't sure what to say. I think she was waiting for me to start screaming or ranting, or maybe even cry. In reality, I just decided that this was the last thing I would allow to bother me for the week, and therefore I could rejoice in the fact that it was over!!!! The next day a good friend came over to the house. After scanning the room where I had laid the tree and abandoned the fallen ornaments.. she cheerfully asked..."who won, you or the tree?" All I could do was sigh and laugh. Finally my string of bad luck was over! All is well now, and I have a different tree up. I love this tree, and even if I didn't..I think I would keep it to myself! LOLOLOL